Questions of exclusion, inclusion, discrimination, prejudice are subtle, complex, and multi-faceted. If we are to create a more inclusive and tolerant world, it is essential that we understand that we truly understand these problems well and spend time learning what works or can work based on evidence. Thousands of researchers from across domains – sociology, behavioural economics, gender & feminism, caste & race studies, peace studies, political economy – have spent decades studying these questions and have developed a very rich body of knowledge that can be used to inform initiatives that seek to address some of these issues. As a corollary, there is also a lot that remains a blindspot for researchers focused on any of these themes and coordination can play a vital role in surfacing these blindspots and triggering focused research activity to build knowledge. Also, research and academia lead to the creation of meaningful “safe spaces” where such questions can be studied and explored in detail.

The Belongg Research Collective

The Belongg Research Collective is a platform launched by Belongg that seeks to create a vibrant network of researchers who are approaching these themes of diversity & inclusion through gender, feminism, sexuality, ethnicity, race, ability, immigrants, prejudice/bias through one or more of the three pathways listed below:

  • Domain-related pathways within which discrimination plays out: Healthcare, housing, education, even representation in places such as conferences, or employment 
  • Identity-related pathways due to which discrimination plays out: Gender, sexual orientation, religion, caste, race, immigration status, or ability
  • And finally, the cross-cutting domains of human behaviour, cognition, bias, biology, sociology, norms that drive attitudes/ perceptions and also behaviour that is either discriminatory or inclusive
The Belongg Research Collective platform will seek to host a range of activities: 
  • Regular meet-ups and seminars that bring together researchers who, while focusing on one of these sub-themes, might not necessarily be reaching across widely
  • Curate some of the most interesting research findings both qualitative and quantitative on a web platform and for some of them, even create new formats (videos, infographics) for easier dissemination
  • Run challenges and awards for certain research topics
  • Eventually, facilitate access to grants, funding opportunities to researchers, and perhaps have a dedicated conference
We already have researchers from leading institutions in India engaging with the Collective and are inviting researchers from leading Indian and international research organizations and universities to become a member. 
If this is of interest, please write to with a little bit of detail on your research background and interests and sharing why this is of interest. And our team will be in touch soon. 

Event: Brown Bag - "Exploring Intersections" - On March 16th

The Belongg Research Collective hosts periodic brown bags where we invite researchers focussed on questions of identity, discrimination, bias, and prejudice to share their research interests and explore collaborations in an informal and interactive space. We’re hosting a brown bag on the 16th of March in Delhi and are inviting five-minute presentations by participating researchers on their respective research interests. The objective of this event is to have researchers come together on a platform that facilitates a better understanding of ongoing research activity and also surfaces collaboration opportunities with complementary researchers.