Listen to Belongg Podcasts on Spotify, Google Podcasts & Unother App

We have launched a slew of new and exciting shows on different podcast channels. Check out these shows to hear in-depth conversations about inclusive and diverse literature, research and mental health. Read below for more details about the four major shows and the sub-series under every show.

UnOther Podcast

Belongg is a social innovation platform focused on intersectional inclusion and runs initiatives linked to inclusive research, inclusive mental health, and inclusive mental health. On this podcast, you get to experience a wide set of conversations with experts hosted by Belongg under each of these themes. To go deeper into our work on research, literature, or mental health, please check out dedicated podcasts by Belongg on these topics. The shownotes have links to these podcasts. Link to Spotify show: The Unother Podcast

Crossroads in Therapy Podcast

In this podcast, we will look at therapy through the lens of intersectionality in terms of gender, race, caste, sexuality, disability, religion, and more. Each episode features one or more experts experienced in tackling mental health challenges faced by marginalised identities. Through this podcast, we hope to bring greater attention to how identity both drives unique mental health needs and requires special approaches in therapy.  Listen to Spotify show: Crossroads in Therapy 

The Belongg Literature Podcast

Home to our conversations with authors and experts about diverse and inclusive books focused on themes of  gender, feminism, race, caste, disability, faith, prejudice, and belonging. The episodes are structured as separate sub-series and offer different ways of imaging themes of diversity and inclusion. Listen to Spotify show: The Belongg Literature Podcast



Currently, there are three series under The Belongg Literature Podcast:

Reimaginings:  In every episode, we speak to authors and experts who have approached conventional topics through an intersectional lens. Tune in to hear insights from Bishakh Som, Prof. Chinnaiah Jangam, Arvind Narrain, Jenny Bhatt and many more such experts as they discuss topics such as love, citizenship, marriage, history etc


The Inclusive Bookshelf: In this series, we speak to literary guests and talk about the books that have shaped their identity, ideas, and perspective. Join your favourite authors Urvashi Butalia, Danish Hussain, Easterine Kire and many more as they take us on a journey through their bookshelf.


The Gaze of the World & I: This series unpacks the experiences of an individual exploring their sexuality against the backlash from society and community. Join in as we speak to authors such as Ruth Vanita and Madhumita Das who have explored these themes in their writings.



The xSDG Podcast

 xSDG focusses on intersectional inclusion and diversity within development and impact programs that work on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. At Belongg, we believe that intersectional thinking linked to identities of gender, caste, disability, race, religion and more, are an important determinant of people’s access to crucial services, and  need to be much more deeply integrated in the overall development ecosystem. Failure to do so neglects important realities of how people have significantly different experiences on account of their identity, in ways that inhibit their growth and the achievement of the SDGs. On the xSDG podcast, we bring to you conversations with experts who are focused on making development more intersectionally inclusive. Listen in to understand key issues and ideas for impact. 

Listen to Spotify show: The xSDG Podcast

Currently, there is one series under The xSDG Podcast:

Inclusive Food Systems: The first season of this podcast highlights the crucial role played by women in the achievement of the Zero Hunger sustainable development goal or SDG2. You can hear experts such as Dr Shreya Sinha, Shipra Deo and several others who have explored the many intricacies of how women feed themselves, their families, the communities around them and the world at large.


You can also listen to all these podcast shows and more conversations on intersectional inclusion, by downloading Belongg’s app UnOther, spelt U_N_O_T_H_E_R – available on the Apple and Google app stores. To connect with intersectional experts for guest lectures or consultations, check out Belongg Circle, a platform that makes it easy for a range of organizations and individuals to integrate intersectionality in their work.