10 Books Portraying the Lives of Individuals Struggling with Mental Health Issues

10 Books Portraying the Lives of Individuals Struggling with Mental Health Issues

A 2011 World Health Organisation-sponsored study found that 36% of Indians suffered from a Major Depressive Episode (MDE) within their lifetime. That means India has the most number of people in the world who suffer from some form of depression at some point in their lives. Despite the worrisome statistics, social pressure to be “normal” […]

10 Books on Mental Health released in 2021 you should check out

Literature on mental health, especially intersectional mental health therefore becomes all the more crucial. As we witness a third Covid-19 wave in India, we bring to you a diverse selection of books on mental health released last year. Although not an exhaustive list, we hope these books catering to diverse mental health themes provide some respite in these difficult times. 

What do our Textbooks really Reflect? Understanding Biases in Formal Education Textbooks in India

In a deeply inequitable society, the importance of education as a tool to address systemic biases has been greatly emphasised. Many activists and practitioners, especially those from marginalised identities have advocated for equal access to quality education to empower communities to invest in their own language, politics and development.  However, education as a social transformation […]