Dismantling Caste, One Word at a Time!

This Dalit History Month and National Poetry Writing Month, when we are surrounded by stories of Dalit struggles and accomplishments and poetry, here are some verses that take an anti-caste stance! These verses are an expression of the historical marginalization of Dalits and are a call for equality. Of course, as Chandramohan tells us, it is not enough to read Dalit poetry but also to understand the politics that inform it.

What do our Textbooks really Reflect? Understanding Biases in Formal Education Textbooks in India

In a deeply inequitable society, the importance of education as a tool to address systemic biases has been greatly emphasised. Many activists and practitioners, especially those from marginalised identities have advocated for equal access to quality education to empower communities to invest in their own language, politics and development.  However, education as a social transformation […]