Community & Operations Associate Job Description

Belongg is a new impact venture that seeks to promote diversity and inclusion in Indian cities and serve people who, otherwise, due to their gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, caste, or ability, would face prejudice/bias and get severely compromised access to services such as housing, jobs, healthcare, and education. Belongg seeks to fix this through […]
The Belongg Library

A curated list of books on themes that matter at Belongg. Read more to find out how you can become a member.
Dreams and Denial

The justification you use for any of the exclusivities you would like to hold on to, may also any day be functionally applicable to any of the communities you do not wish to exclude.
Living as an “Outsider” in India: Ola Jason’s Story

Ola had to face several struggles after he had first arrived in India. The usual suspicions of being a drug-dealer, or getting kicked out of his house because of the way he looked are part of his story too.
Inclusion is a journey..

People who have been exposed to more diversity tend to think of differences as the norm and hence approach them with curiosity and openness.
The Power of Words for Diversity and Inclusion

We should take an unrepenting look at the vocabulary being used for diversity & inclusion work and carefully weed out words that are either feeble or apologetic or both.
Why Belongg?

Our cities are becoming increasingly ghettoized and are losing the magic that diversity can bring.
“Hapshi hai kya?” and other things you hear while looking for a house in Delhi

One broker, on being asked if he would show a house to a friend of ours from Africa who is currently working in a Gurgaon corporate firm, replied saying “Hapshi hai kya?”